Make a Difference

CCFA uses our general funds to improve access to local food throughout Cherokee and Clay counties. We accomplish this through initiatives that:

  • Educate communities about the importance and impact of local food

  • Support producers of local food

  • Advocate for our neighbors who may be experiencing food insecurity

On occasion, we also have specialized initiatives that fund a unique need. Currently, our specialized initiatives are:

  • Hurricane Helene Relief Fund
    Donations to this fund are shared with nonprofit organizations that serve areas of Western NC that were impacted by Hurricane Helene.

  • Student Weekend Wellness Bags
    When MANNA Food Bank’s warehouse was destroyed by Hurricane Helene, many of our local residents were impacted, including school-age children who received Weekend Wellness Bags from MANNA. CCFA has stepped in to supplement this program while MANNA rebuilds. Donations to this fund help purchase healthy foods for the students’ Weekend Wellness Bags.

Donate to CCFA’s general fund below.

If you’d like to donate to a specific initiative, use the links to the left.